The 2011 House of Delegates (HOD) called for changes in the way the NCMS conducts its business, with the goal of a shortened and more efficient HOD that encourages involvement of members across the state. The 2012 HOD and Annual Meeting is scheduled for the weekend of October 26-27, 2012 at the Raleigh Marriott City Center in downtown Raleigh. The theme of the meeting is “Leadership in Medicine: Emerging Issues in Healthcare.”
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Annual Meeting modifications include:
- Shortening the meeting to take place over two days instead of three to accommodate physicians’ time;
- Conducting HOD business and debate online prior to the meeting. Click here to learn more about the HOD’s online reference committees;
- Holding a brief HOD meeting on Friday to condense business; and
- Abbreviating policy decision-making on Saturday.
There also will be two educational sessions taking place at the meeting that focus on the many issues impacting physicians today. One session will examine and discuss the prescription drug abuse epidemic in North Carolina while the other session will focus on value-driven healthcare and how it will influence the future of medicine.
For hotel information, click here. The NCMS also will provide a list of attractions for members and their families to enjoy while visiting Raleigh. 2012 NCMS Annual Meeting brochures will be sent to members via mail in the coming weeks. More information about the meeting can be found here.