2015 Attestation Begins Monday, Jan. 4, 2016

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated the EHR Incentive Programs Attestation Batch Upload page with the Attestation Batch Upload Specifications for 2015 program year attestation.

Attestations for the 2015 program year will be accepted for all Medicare eligible professionals from Jan. 4, 2016 through February 29, 2016. All Medicaid program participants should refer to their State Medicaid offices for more information on attestation timeframes for the 2015 program year.

Eligible professionals or surrogates for multiple eligible professionals have the option to upload attestations using a batch file. For detailed instructions, visit the Attestation Batch Upload page on the EHR Incentive Programs website.

And don’t forget that the NCMS Practice Consulting Services are here to help. Contact Director of Practice Improvement Terri Gonzalez or 919-833-3836 x123 for more information.


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