A Productive Year for Toward Accountable Care Consortium

As the year winds down Melanie Phelps, who has spearheaded the Toward Accountable Care Consortium and Initiative, reflects on its accomplishments over the past year. 

First, the TAC Consortium is currently 39 members strong (see list here).  The North Carolina Society of Gastroenterology and the North Carolina Foundation for Advanced Health Programs are our most recent members—Welcome NCSG and NCFAHP!  The participation of each organization is critical to getting the message out to the medical community about value-driven, accountable care and helping to move our health care delivery system in the right direction.

Second, TAC has produced to date the following toolkits/guides:  The Physician’s Accountable Care Toolkit; Accountable Care Legal Guide; Distribution Based on Contribution:  A Merit-based Shared Savings Distribution Model; Accountable Care Guide for Neurologists; Accountable Care Guide for Urologists; Accountable Care Guide for Psychiatrists; and Accountable Care Guide for Radiologists.  All the above mentioned guides are posted on the TAC website, which was launched earlier this year and is a dedicated site for the TAC Initiative.  The Accountable Care Guide for Psychiatrists and the Accountable Care Guide for Radiologists are the most recent additions. [The Guide for Psychiatrists received kudos from the American Psychiatric Association in its newsletter, naming it the Pick of the Week.]  In January, the Accountable Care Guide for Emergency Medicine Physicians will be posted as should the guide on bundled payments.  Also, we currently are working with small groups of cardiologists, oncologists and Hospice & Palliative Care Physicians to develop accountable care guides for those specialties.  Once those are complete, our deliverables for first grant that we received from The Physicians Foundation will be complete.  We will then commence work on the deliverables for the second grant from The Physicians Foundation for 15 more toolkits.

Third, the NC ACO Collaborative has taken off.  Interest in this Collaborative has increased, and we expect that to continue.  The NC ACO Collaborative meets quarterly and rotates the meeting location among the membership.

I would like to express special thanks to Bo Bobbitt and Frank Benzoni of the Smith Anderson Law Firm, as well as to Nancy Henley, MD, from CCNC for their time and effort in developing the toolkits.   I also would like to welcome Amy Poe of Smith Anderson to the team.  Finally, I would like to thank each of you  for supporting this initiative.  Together I hope we will influence positive transformative changes to our health care system.

Thanks and happy holidays!


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