NCMS encourages members and their patients to let their representatives in Washington, D.C. know that they support the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act. This proposed legislation, introduced last year, would allow Medicare patients and their physicians to enter into private contracts without penalty to either party. It would enable beneficiaries to use their Medicare benefits to see physicians who do not accept Medicare, as opposed to paying for the entire cost of their care out-of-pocket as required under current law.
Access to care and freedom to choose a physician have been key hallmarks of the Medicare program, and now these tenets may disappear. A new approach, such as the “freedom to contract” approach taken in this legislation, would provide patients with more choice of physicians; increase the number of physicians who will continue to accept Medicare patients; and help preserve our Medicare program, along with patient-centered care, for our elderly and disabled patients.
To access patient flyers; FAQs for physicians and patients, and other materials go to