AMA Trustees Seek Nominations for CPT Editorial Panel

The AMA is soliciting nominations for appointment to open seats on the CPT Editorial Panel.

The terms of three members of the Panel will be expiring at the June 2011 CPT Editorial Panel Meeting. Two “full seats” with two four-year terms and one “rotating seat” with one four-year term are available to be filled by nominees from the specialty societies. One incumbent Panel member currently occupying the “full seat” is eligible for reappointment.

The AMA Board of Trustees will select individuals from the list of specialty nominees to fill the vacant seats. Please specify the seat for which you are nominating an individual, either the “full seat” or the “rotating seat.”

Click here to read the CPT Editorial Panel Nomination Memo, which provides additional information about the Panel’s responsibilities and membership.

Download the CPT Editorial Panel Nomination Application

Click here for the CPT Editorial Panel Criteria for Nomination and Selection

Click here for the CPT Editorial Panel-AMA Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

All nominations must specifically address the criteria for nomination and selection and include a complete executive curriculum vitae, a letter of nomination from specialty, and two letters of endorsement. All documentation submitted for the Board’s approval must be sent by email to [email protected] by Friday, March 11, 2011 and should be in Word format only.


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