On Tuesday evening the Forsyth-Stokes-Davie County Medical Society hosted a panel discussion entitled, “The Election is Over: Now What?” Seated on the panel were Senator Pete Brunstetter (R-Forsyth), Senator Andrew Brock (R-Davie), Representative-Elect Ed Hanes (D-Forsyth), and Representative-Elect Debra Conrad (R-Forsyth).
Recently, our PAC enjoyed another tremendously successful election cycle, supporting 72 candidates in the primary election and 59 in the general election. As always, we supported candidates on both sides of the aisle.
Over the past few weeks, North Carolina has seen an increase in numbers of localized fungal infections among patients who were exposed to contaminated medications. These complications have been identified weeks to months after injection and have occurred in patients with and without evidence of fungal meningitis.