On Monday, December 10th, the North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force finalized it’s many proposed recommendations to the North Carolina General Assembly. Various committees of the CFTF meet throughout the year to discuss issues such as Unintentional Death, Perinatal Health, etc. and your Medical Society weighs in on each of these issues when appropriate and necessary.
This year’s recommendations include:
- Efforts to increase the use of the Controlled Substance Reporting System and provide more funding for the program.
- Promotion of the use of Pulse Oximetry testing in North Carolina hospitals.
- Support reimbursement of Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants.
- Endorsement of speed cameras in school zones.
- Support for legislation to ban minors from using tanning beds.
- Encouragement for medical professionals to receive training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect.
After lengthy debate, previously reported in our Bulletin, the Task Force did not lend support to specific legislation related to Certified Professional Midwives or home birth. However the Task Force will continue its current efforts to track and monitor legislation pertaining to home births.
A full report on the Task Force’s approved recommendations can be found by visiting the Child Fatality Task Force Website here.