Chip shares his assessment of this legislative session and his thoughts on what he feels are the true successes this year.
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at 3:19 pm
Anything short of maintaining CCNC as the managing entity for Medicaid is an utter failure of the legislature process based on successive audits which continue to document CCNC improves the health care of the Medicaid population and does it at lower cost and decreases rates of hospitalizations and decreases visits to emergency rooms. In addition to giving back money to the state legislature in the last two years. I would challenge the state legislature to show us any managed care entity that manages Medicaid populations in any state of America that has done that. Why else would other states come to Raleigh to find out how they can duplicate what CCNC has done in their respective states. I hate to be cynical about this but one wonders whether the legislature has been bought off by the managed care lobbying efforts currently operating in the state legislature. Otherwise the decisions they have made just don’t make any rational sense!!