CMS Announces Imaging Demonstration Project

Medicare officials are soliciting proposals from “convener” groups to bring together networks of physicians to participate in a demonstration project that will test the ability of Decision Support Systems (DSS) to improve quality of care and reduce the inappropriate use of advanced imaging services. This demonstration project will last two years and will begin on January 1, 2011. It will focus on 11 MRI, CT and nuclear medicine procedures. CMS is seeking as many as six “convener” groups to participate, representing 2,500 – 3,500 physicians from 500-650 practices of various sizes, specialties and locations. Participating physicians will be paid for using DSS when they order imaging procedures and will receive immediate feedback and data comparing them to their peers. Applications are due by September 21, 2010. Additional information, including how to apply can be found by visiting the CMS website.


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