CMS Reorganizes

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced a proposed plan for realignment.  Pending plan approval by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Administration anticipates the changes to take effect in approximately 60 days.

CMS proposes to  create the position of Principal Deputy Administrator, an Office of External Affairs and Beneficiary Services (which combines the Office of Beneficiary Information Services with the Office of External Affairs), and four Centers led by Deputy Administrators.

  • Center for Medicare (fee-for-service, managed care and the prescription drug benefit)
  • Center for Medicaid, CHIP and Survey & Certification
  • Center for Program Integrity (combines Medicare Program Integrity Group and the Medicaid Integrity Group)
  • Center for Strategic Planning (realigns the Office of Research, Development, and Information and the Office of Policy)

Five Divisions will remain in place: Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights; Office of Legislation; Office of the Actuary; Office of Clinical Standards and Quality; and Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory Affairs.


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