CMS Seeks Feedback on Health Quality Measures for Adults in Medicaid

On Monday, February 28, 2011 from 2:30-4:00 pm ET, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will host a Stakeholder Listening Session regarding recommendations for the initial core set of health quality measures for adults in Medicaid as required under the Affordable Care Act.

To listen in call 877-251-0301 and use conference ID 46597384.

For more information, please read the meeting notice posted on the CMS website:

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and its partner in this effort, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), are seeking feedback and perspectives on the initial set of recommended, core quality measures for adults in Medicaid. CMS is interested in hearing your overall thoughts as well as experiences in collecting and reporting any of the recommended measures. For example, it would be helpful to hear from you about: 1) Do the measures resonate with the measurement needs and priorities of the Medicaid population? 2) Are there measures that are not part of the 51 draft set you think more reflective of the needs and or care provided to adults in Medicaid? 3) How well do the measures align with the various dimensions of adult health care and available evidence base for care? 4) What kind of experience have you had with: a. Collecting data as it relates to any of the recommended measures – how you collected these measure(s) and what have been the challenges in collecting them? b. Using any of the measures as part of other health information technology initiatives. 5) Have you ever used any of the measures to drive quality improvement or as part of special initiatives? Did they yield valuable information?

We encourage you to submit comments during the formal public comment period which ends March 1, 2011 to [email protected].



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