Congresswoman Ellmers Introduces STEAM Act

US Representative Renee Ellmers (R, 2nd Dist.) introduced legislation on June 3 entitled Strip The E-prescribe Arbitrary Mandates (STEAM) Act. The measure would prevent Medicare fees and penalties to hospitals and doctors that cannot yet e-Prescribe, and removes E-Prescribing as a requirement for fulfilling the “meaningful use” definition of the Electronic Health Records (EHR) program. It also would prevent those doctors and hospitals that are already receiving miniscule Medicare payments from facing further payment reductions due to cumbersome regulations in the EHR program.

In a prepared statement, Rep. Ellmers said the STEAM Act will continue to encourage the movement to E-Prescribing and EHR technology by leaving in place the incentives for those doctors and hospitals that want to make the switch.

Click here to read more about the proposed STEAM Act.


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