Did you Know…Amy Whited is our ‘Best-Kept Secret’

111022_as_or_161_AmyThe NCMS began a “Did you Know?” campaign, starting with the distribution of postcards to members informing them about the many efforts of NCMS staff to make North Carolina a better place to practice medicine.

For example, Amy Whited, NCMS Director of Health Policy, is probably one of the Society’s “best-kept secrets.” In addition to working alongside Chip Baggett and the rest of the Government Affairs team at the General Assembly, Amy represents the NCMS at North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) meetings. Part of that responsibility includes facilitating member feedback on new policies, rules and position statements adopted by the Board.

Members also can keep up with Amy on Twitter by following her @AmyWhitedNCMS. Let her know your thoughts or concerns on current health care policies.

To learn more about Amy and the rest of the legislative team’s efforts, visit the government affairs portion of the NCMS website. Look for further issues of the Bulletin to learn more about what NCMS staff is doing for you.


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