Dr. Kanof Receives Johnson Award

The Dr. George Johnson Jr. EMS Award for 2009 was given to Elizabeth P. Kanof, MD, at the 36th annual Emergency Medicine Today conference in Greensboro on October 6, 2009. Dr. Kanof is Past President of the NCMS and the NCMS Foundation Board of Trustees. The award recognized Dr. Kanof for her many contributions over the decades, including her service as the NC Medical Board member of both the NC Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council and the EMS Disciplinary Committee.  “Through her years of efforts, Liz Kanof has greatly advanced the ability of the EMS community to get the job done, “said Drexdal Pratt, chief of the NC Office of Emergency Medical Services. “Dr. Kanof demonstrates the same high level of commitment to improve the quality of emergency medical care and service to the community as Dr. Johnson.” The Johnson award is presented to the individual that the NC EMS Advisory Council deems to have made significant and outstanding long-term contributions to EMS in North Carolina.  Dr. Kanof is credited with helping to gain legislation that authorized the creation of EMS personnel/recovery program that focuses on treating EMS personnel who abuse or become addicted to drugs.  Read the news release about Dr. Kanof (PDF).

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