Acting under the provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this week sent warning letters to more than 1,200 tobacco retailers as part of its effort to reduce tobacco use among children. In a statement released Thursday, the FDA said that while most retail establishments inspected by the FDA have been found to be in compliance with the law, some retailers are still selling cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to minors.
To date, FDA-commissioned officials have conducted more than 27,500 compliance checks. Retail inspections focus on age and ID verification, requirements for labeling and advertising of smokeless tobacco products, restrictions on the sale of single cigarettes, a ban on certain candy and fruit-flavored cigarettes, and prohibited self-service displays and vending machines.
North Carolina is among fifteen states that were awarded FDA Tobacco Retail Inspection Contracts in September 2011, allowing the state to assist the FDA with conducting compliance check inspections of tobacco retailers.
Click here to view current inspection results on the FDA website.