FDA Warns of Other Drugs Produced by Company Linked to Meningitis Outbreak

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has requested that new information be disseminated on drug products they believe may be prescribed, dispensed, administered or used by clinicians that have been produced and distributed by New England Compounding Center (NECC).   

The  FDA issued an  updated MedWatch Safety alert on the ongoing meningitis outbreak associated with the injection of products distributed by NECC.

In a recent FDA statement, two new suspect products are identified (triamcinolone acetonide and cardioplegic solution). FDA also is updating the recommendations for actions by health care professionals and patients. They are especially interested in receiving adverse event reports, through the Medwatch online reporting system,  if you suspect that the use of an NECC injectable product is associated with a serious infection.

You will also find links in the MedWatch alert that provide you with a list of all NECC injectable products and a link to the updated CDC web page with current information on the outbreak and CDC investigation.


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