On Tuesday evening the Forsyth-Stokes-Davie County Medical Society hosted a panel discussion entitled, “The Election is Over: Now What?” Seated on the panel were Senator Pete Brunstetter (R-Forsyth), Senator Andrew Brock (R-Davie), Representative-Elect Ed Hanes (D-Forsyth), and Representative-Elect Debra Conrad (R-Forsyth).
Legislators spoke to physicians about the challenges facing the General Assembly in the upcoming 2013 session including continuing to balance the Medicaid budget and reimburse providers at a rate to sustain the network, the potential impact of tax reform on the health care industry as well as state-level implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
No clear response was offered regarding the legislature’s plans for ACA implementation or changes to Governor Perdue’s recently announced plan for a joint state-federal Health Benefit Exchange. Senator Brunstetter did note that Senate fiscal staff is running models on possible Medicaid Expansion so that legislators can evaluate what the state can afford in the long term, but gave no indication if the General Assembly would support or oppose the expansion of the Medicaid Program.
Above all, the legislators present encouraged physicians to contact their offices and continue to serve as resources regarding issues important to health care. With more than half of the General Assembly serving in their first or second term, this education is more important now than ever.