Free Education Modules Help With ICD-10 Transition

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), through Medscape Education, has released two ICD-10 video lectures and an expert article providing practical guidance for the ICD-10 transition. The video lectures are specifically for physicians, while the article covers more general topics for all health care providers. All may be accessed online at no cost.

Continuing medical education (CME) credits are available to physicians who complete the modules, and anyone who finishes them can receive a certificate of completion.

Use the links below to access the modules. If you are not a member of Medscape, you will first be prompted to fill out a brief registration form.

The videos, ICD-10: A Guide for Small and Medium Practices and ICD-10: A Guide for Large Practices, feature Daniel J. Duvall, MD, MBA, medical officer with the Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group at CMS, describe:

  • Global differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10;
  • How ICD-10 will have different impacts on practices of different sizes; and
  • Basic transition planning steps and resources. 

In the article Transition to ICD-10: Getting Started, Joseph Nichols, MD, of Health Data Consulting, covers documentation improvements, the coder-clinician relationship, training, working with vendors and payers, search tools, and resources.

For questions or technical assistance with the CME modules, please contact Medscape at [email protected].

Keep Up to Date on ICD-10
Remember CMS announced that there will be a one-year delay, from October 2013 to October 2014, in meeting the requirements for ICD-10 compliance. Visit CMS’ ICD-10 website for the latest news and resources to help you prepare!


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