Health Care System Reform Draws More Debate

More questions were raised about proposed health care system reform legislation as the Baucus health care reform bill was voted out of the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday.  Senator Olympia Snowe (R, Maine) sided with Democrats to give the proposed plan a favorable recommendation. Senate leaders are now seeking to craft a single Senate package for floor consideration.

 The AMA announced this week it was continuing its efforts to advocate for improvements in the Senate Finance Committee’s health system reform proposal. The AMA has made available talking points that address (1) repealing Medicare’s sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula; (2) the Independent Medicare Advisory Commission; and (3) physician resource use outliers.  You will find the talking points and more information about the Senate Finance Committee’s vote at  On Thursday, the AMA announced it would kick-off its Medicare campaign with new television ads that will begin airing in markets nationwide. View the AMA ad at:

 The NCMS is actively involved in monitoring health care system reform legislation and talking with members of the North Carolina Congressional Delegation. Physicians are encouraged to express their views here on the Doctor to Doctor blog.

 In Cary Thursday, the Triangle Business Journal held a symposium, Health Care & You, What’s at Stake, featuring six panelists who shared their views before an audience of about 150 people.  NCMS EVP, CEO Robert Seligson was among the panelists that also included BCBSNC CEO Bob Greczyn, Rex Healthcare Senior VP Stephen Burriss, Internist John Kihm, MD, who practices at Priority Medicine in Durham, Captive-Aire Systems CEO Robert Luddy, and Dean McCord of the Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton law firm.  The panel agreed that health care reform is needed, but they questioned whether current proposals would achieve cost effective reform and quality of care for all patients.  Read the story at:

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  • Ron Dietrick

    If the Senate passes this bill they will prove themselves the enemies of the American people.We need government not a mouthpiece

  • Kerry Willis

    There’s a War on Private Healthcare taking place and this bill that contains who knows what is a bad bill. Our system needs a tune up not a wholesale sell out.