House of Delegates Resolutions Due by Sept. 12

2012-mtg-savethedate-graphicIn accordance with NCMS Bylaws, the deadline for resolutions is Wednesday, September 12, which is 45 days prior to the House of Delegates (HOD). All resolutions from component medical societies, sections, or medical specialty organizations must bear the signature of two officers of each respective organization. Otherwise, the resolution will need to be submitted by an individual delegate.

After submitted resolutions are evaluated, all debates regarding those resolutions will take place online, in an easy-to-use format so that all members can participate. On Friday, September 21, resolutions will be posted online and will be open for comment. Responses to the resolutions will be accepted no later than Friday, October 12. Following the comment period, the NCMS Reference Committee will publish their report by Friday, October 19.

Resolutions arriving after the September 12 deadline will be considered late resolutions. In order to be considered business of the House, late resolutions will have to be presented by a delegate at the first session of the HOD for approval by two-thirds of the delegates present and meet the criteria for late resolutions (i.e., urgency and importance to the goals and objectives of the NCMS). Late resolutions should be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 25.

Please mail all resolutions to Robert W. Seligson, EVP/CEO, NCMS, PO Box 27167, Raleigh, NC 27611 and submit them by email to [email protected]. For more information, contact Linda Carter at 800-722-1350.

Register for the NCMS 2012 Annual Meeting Now Online!  (Or download the registration form here)


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