Opinion: Scarier than Ebola, The New York Times, 1-15-14
Supreme Court Eases Impact of Texas Abortion Law, USA Today, 10-15-14
California Prop. 46 , Inspired by Tragedy Pits Doctors Against Lawyers, Kaiser Health News, 10-14-14
The Ominous Math of the Ebola Epidemic, The Washington Post, 10-9-14
CMS Posts Long-Awaited Pioneer ACO Quality and Financial Results, ModernHealthCare, 10-8-14
Reform Update: Illinois Tackling Medicaid With Aggressive ACO Model, ModernHealthCare, 10-7-14
Government Website for Doc Payments Not Up to Snuff, The Washington Post, 10-2-14
ObamaCare’s First Year: How’d It Go?, NPR, 10-1-14
Professional Responsibilities for the Treatment of Patients With Ebola: Can A Health Care Professional Refuse to Treat a Patient with Ebola?, Rhode Island Medical Journal, October 2014