In the News This Week…

Obama’s HHS shuts down public access to doctor malpractice data, 9-13-11, The Kansas City Star

Writer Alan Bavley reports on a decision by the Obama administration to shut down public access to data in the National Practitioner Data Bank.

MacArthur ‘genius’ tackles concussions in football, 9-20-11, The Los Angeles Times

Writer Melissa Healy reports on 2011 MacArthur Foundation award winner Kevin Guskjiewicz, PhD, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and his research on what kind of hits produce concussions in football.

IPAB to Kick In Early to Ease Impact of Medicare Cuts, 9-21-11, HealthLeaders Media

Writer Margaret Dick Tocknell reports that the Obama Administration’s newly released deficit plan calls for strengthening the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).

Obama Proposes $320 Billion in Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Over 10 Years, 9-19-11, The New York Times

Writer Robert Pear examines the Obama Administration’s proposals to cut $320 billion from projected spending in Medicare and Medicaid in the coming decade.

VA hospital readmission rates deal a blow to Medicare, 9-18-11, The Washington Post

Writer Jordan Rau reports on new data that shows VA hospital patients are just as likely to be readmitted to a hospital as are patients in private hospitals.

Obama won’t propose raising Medicare age, 9-18-11, The Hill

Writer Sam Baker reports that the Obama administration’s Medicare deficit-reduction plan does not include a rise in the eligibility age.

CMS chief seeks control through better quality, 9-19-11, American Medical News

Writer Doug Trapp examines a plan by CMS Administrator Donald M. Berwick, MD, to control health care spending by providing better quality.

4 Insurers Will Supply Health Data, 9-19-11, The New York Times

Writer Reed Abelson reports that four major health insurers have agreed to provide their claims data on a regular basis to academic researchers.

A $42 Million Gift Aims at Improving Bedside Manner, 9-22-11, The New York Times

Writer Dirk Johnson reports on a couple whose experience as patients led them to donate a $42 million gift to create the Bucksbaum Institute for Clinical Excellence at the University of Chicago.

Retiree Benefits for the Military Could Face Cuts, 9-18-11, The New York Times

Writers James Dao and Mary Williams Walsh report that federal deficit-reduction efforts could impact the health and pension benefits of military retirees, affecting programs like Tricare.

Remark on HPV Vaccine Could Ripple for Years, 9-19-11, The New York Times

Writer Denise Grady reports on the ripple effect expected from a remark made by Representative Michele Bachmann during a recent debate for Republic presidential candidates.

Preventing Sickness, With Plenty of Red Tape, 9-19-11, The New York Times

Writer Walecia Konrad examines attempts the federal government’s plan to place more emphasize on prevention as it implements the Affordable Care Act.

Study: Dialysis 3 times weekly might not be enough, 9-21-11, The News and Observer/Associated Press

AP science writer Alicia Chiang reports on a new study that finds patients who require dialysis may need more than the current three-day dialysis schedule.


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