In the News This Week…

DHHS up in arms over recent audit, 1-10-12, Triangle Business Journal

Writer Jason deBruyn reports on an audit of the state’s Office of Medicaid Management Information System. (Click here to view the report.)  

Report rips N.C. over mentally ill kids, 1-12-12, The News and Observer

Staff Writer Lynn Bonner looks at a report by Disability Rights North Carolina  that sharply criticizes care for mentally ill children in North Carolina.

5% of patients account for half of health care spending, 1-12-12, USA Today

Writer Kelly Kennedy reports on a new federal study that finds 1% of Americans accounted for 22% of health care costs in 2009.

America hits the brakes on health care spending, 1-9-12, The News and Observer/Associated Press

AP writer Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar analyzes the latest figures on health care spending in the United States.

Great recession still affects health care spending, 1-10-12, The News and Observer

McClatchy Newspapers writer Tony Pugh reports on the slowing of health care spending in the United States.

Slower Growth in Health Spending, 1-11-12, The New York Times

An editorial that says the recession, not the federal health care reform law, may be a primary factor behind a slowdown in health care spending.

1,500 state workers qualify for new health care service, 1-3-12, Triangle Business Journal

Writer Jason deBruyn reports on a joint venture between Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina and UNC Health Care, designed to treat chronically ill patients.

Raleigh-Durham area health-care employment nears 100,000, 1-10-12,Triangle Business Journal

Writer Chris Baysden looks at the growth in the Triangle area health-care industry and includes a link to searchable database.

Sizing up the Triad’s health care industry,1-10-12, Business Journal of the Triad

Writer Owen Covington examines the growth of the health-care industry in the Triad.

Stem Cell Fraud: A 60 Minutes Investigation, 1-8-12, CBS News

A transcript of a story that aired on the CBS News program 60 Minutes concerning a physician who lost his license but created a company that offers “stem cell cures.”

Alumnus of Wake Forest’s med school turns 100, 1-9-12, Winston-Salem Journal

Writer Lisa O’Donnell highlights the life and career of the Wake Forest School of Medicine’s oldest  living alumnus, William L. Perry, MD, of Chesterfield, SC.

Following are letters to the editor by Raleigh physicians in response to “Professional dues,” which was published on January 7, 2012.

AMA opt-out, 1-10-12, The News & Observer, by Grace Rose, MD

Standards of care, 1-11-12, The News and Observer, by C. Franklin Church, MD (NCMS Life Member)


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