In the News This Week…

The following editorial and op-eds appeared in the Wilmington Star-News on Saturday, March 12, 2011, as the newspaper examined the merits of SB 33—Medical Liability Reforms:

Health Reform? Patients’ Welfare is secondary as GOP tries to undo progress

An editorial by the Star-News is critical of provisions in SB 33.

The price of defensive medicine

An op-ed by Michael Moulton, MD, an emergency physician and NCMS Speaker, on the need for medical liability reform in North Carolina.

Physicians must be able to focus on care, not legalities

Wilmington neurosurgeon George “Van” Hoffmon, MD, explains why SB 33—Medical Liability Reforms is “a milestone for patient care and access in North Carolina.”

Bill creates unreasonable standard

Wilmington attorney Gary K. Shipman explains why he opposes SB 33—Medical Liability Reforms.

Doctors Face Off Against Lawyers Over Malpractice Bill, 3-16-11m Watchdog News

Reporter David N. Bass quotes NCMS EVP, CEO Robert Seligson in this online article about the SB 33 provision to cap awards for non-economic damages at $500, 000. 

The shield – Liability reform is legislative malpractice, 3-13-11, Fayetteville Observer

An editorial that challenges the premise that SB 33 will help reduce malpractice or the cost of insurance.

Campaign criticizes Sen. Jackson’s support for tort reform, 3-15-11, Kinston Free Press

Writer Wesley Brown reported on a campaign by NC Advocates for Justice (trial attorneys) criticizing legislators’ support of SB 33–Medical Liability Reforms.

Only drunk doctors could be sued under new bill, 3-11-11, Asheville Citizen-Times

Hot Springs businessman and town council member Peter Nagle is critical of SB 33 in his letter to the editor.

Symptoms, not ills, get focus, 3-13-11, The Times-Tribune (Scranton, PA)

Efforts to achieve medical liability reform in North Carolina are cited in this op-ed by Scranton, PA attorney David Fallk, president of the Committee for Justice for All, a lawyer-funded advocacy group in northeast Pennsylvania.

Barbers Help Black Men Beat High Blood Pressure, 3-14-11, National Institutes of Health (NIH) News Release

Feature article about a new study that revealed how barbers are successfully helping fight high blood pressure in African-American men.

National Library of Medicine celebrates 175 years of information innovation, 3-14-11, National Institutes of Health (NIH) News Release

The NIH houses the world’s largest medical library and produces electronic information resources used by millions daily. Release includes a link to the NIH 175th anniversary website.   

Report: States fail to discipline rogue doctors, 3-15-11, Los Angeles Times

An article by Orlando Sentinel writer Linda Shrieves and re-printed by the Los Angeles Times analyzes a study by Public Citizen’s Health Research Group on state medical boards’ efforts to discipline allegedly errant physicians.


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