Innovation Advisors Program Seeks to Improve Care and Lower Costs

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is accepting applications for the newly announced Innovation Advisors program, which seeks to help professionals deepen skills that will drive improvements to patient care and reduce costs. Made possible by the Affordable Care Act, the program is aimed at benefiting people enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

The CMS Innovation Center will oversee the program, which will include up to 200 Innovation Advisors, including clinicians, allied health professionals, health administrations and others. Participation will include in-person meetings, and remote sessions to expand skills and knowledge. Following an initial, intensive orientation, Innovation Advisors will work with the Innovation Center to test new models of care delivery in their own organizations and communities. CMS says Innovation Advisors will be expected to commit up to 10 hours per week to the program during the initial six months, with part of the time devoted to seminars and instruction.

Applications for the Innovation Advisors program are due on November 15, 2011. Advisors will be notified of their selection by mid-December 2011.

CMS announced the program on Monday and currently has a recording of the conference call available until midnight tonight. To listen to the conference call, dial 1-855-859-2056; follow the audio menu and enter the Conference ID: 19482145.

More information, a fact sheet, FAQ, application and terms and conditions on the Innovation Advisors Program can be found at:


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