"Home at Last" by Preecha Bhotiwihok, MD
When he’s not practicing as an anesthesiologist, you will likely find Preecha Bhotiwihok, MD, outdoors in search of natural beauty. Dr. Preecha, as he is known by staff and friends, loves taking pictures of flowers, bugs, birds, and anything else nature can offer. His photographic skill came to light three years ago when he was among the contestants in the NCMS First Annual Photo Contest. Each year since, he continues to exhibit skill and a keen eye with vivid, colorful photographs that capture unique subjects found in their natural environment. Some of his amazing work can be seen in the offices of the NCMS Foundation.
Recently, Dr. Preecha’s artistic talent captured the attention of Gary Black, President and CEO of Lenoir Medical Hospital in Kinston, where Dr. Preecha practices. With about 50 photographs already hanging in waiting rooms and other parts of the hospital, Black asked Dr. Preecha to provide more photographs, one for each of the hospital’s 240 patient rooms. Asked to describe the kind of pictures he is providing, Dr. Preecha said, “For the hospital, it’s nature’s beauty which everyone can relate to.”