Learning Opportunities

CCNC Project Lazarus Training, A Guide to Rational Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain will assist prescribers of pain medications to understand and treat chronic pain and safer opioid prescribing. The seminar will include a complimentary dinner and dialogue with other concerned professionals. Find the place and date that works for you and register below:

Each of these will offer 3 prescribed credits of AMA Category 1.

NC Dermatology Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 23-25, Grandover Resort, Greensboro, NC.  The meeting has been approved for 11.75 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit and 11.75 hours of AAD Category 1 Credit. Get the details and register today.

Cleveland Clinic Florida has three cutting-edge medical symposiums coming up in February 2015. They are part of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s week-long Digestive Disease Institute’s Education Week. Visit the website for details.

  • 26th Jagelman / 36th Turnbull International Colorectal Disease Symposium, Feb. 10-15, 2015 at the Harbor Beach Marriott Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  • 4th Annual Gastroenterology & Hepatology Symposium, Feb. 12 – 14, 2015 at the Harbor Beach Marriott Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  • 14th Annual Surgery of the Foregut Symposium, Feb. 14 – 18, 2015 at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, FL.

Save March 4, 2015 for North Carolina Pregnancy & Opioid Exposure Project’s conference, “Pregnancy & Opioid Exposure: Improving Outcomes for Women, Infants, and Families” in Greensboro. Learn the current and emerging approaches to best support families at risk for experiencing opioid exposed pregnancies in North Carolina. Medical, behavioral health, justice, child welfare and other professionals working with women of childbearing age, and their infants, are encouraged to attend.

ICD-10 Boot CampNCMGMA’s General Code Set Training, March 26 & 27, 2015, 8 am – 5 pm, Women’s Educational Center, Greensboro, NC. This intensive 2-day, 16-hour, General Code Set Training is designed specifically for coding staff and intended to give attendees a comprehensive understanding of guidelines and conventions of ICD-10 as well as fundamental knowledge of how to decipher, understand and accurately apply codes in ICD-10. This Training is approved for 16 CEUs through AAPC. Get more information and register.

Save the date — June 12, 2015, for Go SIMple, an opportunity to learn about the hottest trends in simulation education from experts. The training session will be held at Campbell University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Lillington, NC.



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