The NCTracks training being offered in July is for providers of services from the Division of Public Health (DPH). Registration is now open for several instructor-led training courses to be held in July for DPH providers. The duration varies depending on the course. See the course list and registration information.
ModernHealthCare free Webinar: The IT Behind Accountable Care, July 22, 11 a.m. EDT.
Having a fully developed IT infrastructure is key to delivering the high-quality, lower-cost care sought by the growing numbers of ACOs. But the investments required are significant. The webinar will feature three speakers involved in ACOs at various stages of IT investment. Learn more and register.
Palmetto GBA will host the next Part B Ask the Contractor Teleconference: ICD-10 — Are You Ready? on Aug. 13, 2015, from 10 to 11 a.m. This call is intended for Part B providers and their billing staff billing for services rendered in North Carolina. This call will focus on helping providers prepare for the implementation of mandatory use of ICD-10 codes on Oct. 1 and will not teach providers how to code using ICD-10.
Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Connets will hold a National Provider Call: Countdown to ICD-10, Thursday, Aug. 27, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. to register, visit MLN Connects Event Registration. Space may be limited, register early. As of Aug. 27, it will be five weeks before ICD-10 implementation on Oct. 1, 2015. Sue Bowman from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and Nelly Leon-Chisen from the American Hospital Association (AHA) will offer coding guidance and tips, along with updates from CMS.
Move to Value Summit, the ultimate primer on value-based health care will be held at Biotech Place in Winston-Salem, Aug. 27-28. Hosted by CHESS Health Enablement Soutions and sponsored by Wake Forest Baptist Health and LabCorp, the Move to Value Summit is designed to provide you with a broad and deep understanding of what it takes to transform your fee-for-service-dependent organization to one rooted in pay-for-value. Learn more and register.
Registration is now open for NCHICA’s 21st Annual Conference & Exhibition on September 13-16, 2015 at Pinehurst Resort in Pinehurst, NC. This year’s theme is Transforming Healthcare from Volume to Value. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments and best practices in health IT and network with your peers. For further details, click here. The registration fee is $475 NCHICA members/$675 non-members. For further details, click here. Fees will increase after August 13, so please register early! NCHICA has a special group rate at the Pinehurst Resort of $205/night, which is good until August 13, 2015. For further details on how to register at the special rate, click here.
The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence is having a Screening Training for physicians and their medical teams/staff on Sept. 18, 2015 in the Raleigh/Durham area. Topics will include best practices for intimate partner violence screening in clinical settings. More information and to register.
The North Carolina Industrial Commission will hold its 20th Annual North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference on October 14-16, 2015 at the Raleigh Convention Center. The conference provides a valuable opportunity for professionals to share information on current issues impacting the workers’ compensation arena. View the conference brochure, which includes the conference agenda and registration information. For more information, please contact Jeanne Bush or Eric Oxfeld at the International Workers’ Compensation Foundation office by telephone at (386) 677-0041, fax at (386) 677-0155, or e-mail at [email protected].
Carolinas Trauma Related Issues and Critical Knowledge Symposium (TRICKS) of Fracture Management, November 14, 2015, 8 am – 2 pm, Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel, 222 E. 3rd St., Charlotte, NC 28202. For more information, call 704.512.6534 or visit the website.
The Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) fall course schedule is out. Find out what is being offered July through December 2015 and register today.