Learning Opportunities

EHR 2.0 is sponsoring a webinar on Final Rule on 2015 Meaningful Use Attestation Requirements, Nov. 12, noon- 1 p.m. featuring Terri Gonzalez of NC Medical Society Foundation will share with us the final rule on 2015 Meaningful Use (MU) attestation. In order to ensure eligible professionals are using the right technology and meeting the program attestation objectives by the Feb. 29, 2016 deadline, the webinar will focus on the latest updates on Meaningful Use EHR incentive attestation requirements for Stage 2 and Stage 3. Get more information and register.

Carolinas Trauma Related Issues and Critical Knowledge Symposium (TRICKS) of Fracture Management, November 14, 2015, 8 am – 2 pm, Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel, 222 E. 3rd St., Charlotte, NC 28202. For more information, call 704.512.6534 or visit the website for further information.

The North Carolina Medical Society Foundation in cooperation with the North Carolina Medical Group Managers is offering a webinar titled “Managing Social Media in a Busy Health Care Practice” featuring Janet M. Kennedy on Nov. 18, 2015, noon to 1 p.m. Kennedy is the host of the “Get Social Health” podcast, sharing best practice stories and interviews about social media in health care and will share practical tips and suggestions for developing, scheduling, tracking and managing your social media sites. Register here. This webinar is free, but you must be registered to attend. Space is limited so register early! After you register, you will receive an emailed confirmation with webinar and phone-in instructions.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering the third session of a three-part Virtual Office Hours series on 2015 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) quality measures titled “2015 PQRS Reporting: Measure-Applicability Validation.” The session will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015 from 2 – 3 p.m. Topics to be discussed in this session include the Measure-Applicability Validation (MAV) process, as well as an overview of How to Get Started with PQRS. To participate in this session, please register hereOnly a limited number of participants will be allowed to register.

NCTracks Learning Opportunities for November include:

Thursday, Nov. 5 – 10 a.m. to noonCreate and Submit a PA for DME and Home Health Supply using Electronic Physician Signature (WebEx) will guide users through the new process that allows the requesting provider to enter a prior approval (PA) request on the Provider portal and then route it through NCTracks to the prescribing provider for review and approval using an electronic signature (PIN).

Monday, Nov. 9 – 1 to 2:30 p.m. – Managed Care Referrals and Overrides shows authorized users how to submit Managed Care Referrals and inquire about Managed Care Referrals and Overrides.  This course will be offered at the CSC facility in Raleigh. It involves hands-on training and will be limited to 45 participants.

Friday, Nov. 13 – 9:30 a.m. to noon – Prior Approval – Medical (Professional) will cover submitting Prior Approval (PA) Requests to help ensure compliance with Medicaid clinical coverage policy and medical necessity. It will also cover Prior Approval inquiry to check on the status of the PA Request.  The course is being offered in-person at the CSC facility in Raleigh. It includes hands-on training and will be limited to 45 participants.

Friday, November 13 – 1 to 4 p.m.  – Submitting a Professional Claim will focus on how to submit a Professional Claim via the NCTracks Provider Portal. The course is being offered in-person at the CSC facility in Raleigh. It includes hands-on training and will be limited to 45 participants.

Tuesday, Nov. 17 – 9 a.m. to noon – ES User Role_Abbreviated MCR_Upload Documents (WebEx) will guide providers through the enhancements to the provider enrollment application processes.

Providers can register for these courses in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System. Logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort.

The University of Michigan Injury Center Opioid Overdose Summit, a national webcast on Tuesday, Dec. 1, from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., will feature national speakers leading a science-based exploration of an emerging public health issue: overdose injury and death related to opioids (prescription pain medications).  Please see the attached flyer or visit the website for more information and a link to the registration site.There is no cost to attend this event.  Questions?  Email [email protected].

The 42nd Annual “The Williamsburg Conference on Heart Disease” – Dec. 6-8, 2015, Williamsburg Conference Center, Williamsburg, VALearn more and register.

The Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) fall course schedule is out. Find out what is being offered July through December 2015 and register today.

A video recording of the “PQRS/Value-Based Provider Modifier: What Medicare Professionals Need to Know in 2015” presentation has been posted to the CMS MLN Connects® page on YouTube. This presentation is the same as the webinars that were delivered on March 31, 2015 and April 7, 2015 by the Philadelphia Regional Office. View the video.

The 2nd Annual Bundled Payment Implementation Forum: How to Make Your Bundled Payment Program Work will be held Jan. 25-26, 2016 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL. Learn more about the program and register here. For questions, call 866-676-7689.


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