Learning Opportunities

Cervical Cancer Free-North Carolina (CCFNC) regional summit in Fayetteville, NC South Central North Carolina has among the highest cervical cancer prevention needs in our state. This summit will bring together community, public health and health care leaders to make action plans for strengthening cervical cancer prevention.  Health care and public health professionals from Anson, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland counties are particularly encouraged to join us on Friday, March 7, 2014, Registration 9:45 –10:00 am; Meeting 10:00 am –12:30 pm; Networking lunch 12:30 pm –1:30 pm. Doubletree Hotel, 1965 Cedar Creek Road, Fayetteville, NC. Register hereFor more information including a preliminary event agenda please click here.  

The National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse is offering two free, interactive, online CME activities about responsible opioid prescribing practices, and best practices for assessing, preventing, and addressing prescription opioid abuse. In these CMEs, NIDA encourages clinicians to use its NIDAMED resources which are specially designed for use in clinical practice to assess patients’ drug use and possible referral to drug treatment. Click here to learn more about the CMEs.

Mountain Area Health Education Center MAHEC is offering “Practical Applications in Integrative Health: Innovations Across the Spectrum of Care” on March 27-29, at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel, Asheville. Click here for more information.

A listing of some ICD-10 training and preparation courses offered on-line and statewide:

The North Carolina component of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) offers specialty specific ICD-10 training. Learn what e-learning options are available at their website.

CMS has released a new MLN Connects™ video on ICD-10 Coding Basics. Sue Bowman from AHIMA provides a basic introduction to ICD-10 coding. CMS also offers a CMS ICD-10 website with the latest news and resources to help prepare for the deadline. Sign up for CMS ICD-10 Industry Email Updates.

Local offerings in North Carolina include:

The Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) throughout the state in conjunction with NCHIMA also will be offering classes leading up to the implementation of ICD-10. The ICD-10-CM training sessions will have a small part on the foundation for understanding the structure of an ICD-10-CM. The rest of the course will focus on how to code using ICD-10-CM, covering the ICD-10-CM coding guidelines. Emphasis will also be directed to codes that require expanded clinical documentation to code to the highest level of specificity.  

Dates for 2014 training are:

  • Northwest AHEC (Hickory) – March 14
  • Area L AHEC (Rocky Mount) – May 9
  • Charlotte AHEC – May 13, June 19 and August 26
  • Eastern AHEC (Greenville) – June 6
  • SEAHEC (Wilmington) – June 24
  • Wake AHEC (Raleigh) – August 12
  • Greensboro & Northwest AHEC (Moses Cone) – August 22

 Mountain AHEC is offering ICD-10 training in March and April 2014.

Access free educational resources from the AMA for practical insight into the preparation process, or visit the AMA Store for additional training opportunities and products.


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