Learning Opportunities Center

Maneuvering in Medicare’s World is a seminar that will be held on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, at the Cornwell Center in Charlotte. Topics will include an overview of Medicare requirements, updates to the 2011 Medicare program, and responding to a Medicare audit or investigation. This event is being hosted by Rose Shattuck and Associates, LLC, Parker Poe law firm, and Palmetto GBA. To register, contact Beth Hedgepath at 919-256-1675, ext. 242, or email [email protected].

Lean Healthcare 200: Applying the Fundamentals is two full days of hands-on learning, equipping participants with practical tools and strategies to make significant and sustainable cultural changes within their organizations for the new healthcare environment. Next classes are scheduled for November 8-9, 2011, in Winston-Salem. No prior Lean training or experience is required. The course is limited to 30 attendees, so register today at www.NCQualityCenter.org/educationlean2011.lasso.  For questions and more information, please contact Dean Higgins at [email protected] or 919-677-4212. The NC Lean Healthcare Alliance is associated with the NC Quality Center and NC State University.

SMA Annual Excellence in Clinical Leadership, Cardiovascular Disease…Interdisciplinary Challenges will be offered at the Southern Medical Association Annual Meeting, November 3-5, 2011, in Williamsburg, VA. More information is available at http://www.sma.org/am2011.

NC Safe Surgery Conference, sponsored by the NC Center for Hospital Quality and Safety, will be held on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, at the McKimmon Conference and Training Center, Raleigh. The Conference will mark the official launch of a statewide initiative focused on the implementation of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist or a modified version of it. Registration deadline is January 11, 2012.

Register at https://www.ncha.org/meetings/registration_index.lasso?e=1159. For more information, contact Dean Higgins, Project Manager, at [email protected] or 919-677-4212; or Laura Maynard, Director, Collaborative Learning at [email protected] or 919-677-4121.


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