Learning Opportunities Center


NC Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will be holding its weekly 30 minute webinar on March 6, 2013. The topic will be: Audits: What to Expect. As with any other Medicaid program, audits are going to happen.  This webinar will guide you through what to expect and how to prepare for an NC Medicaid EHR Incentive Program audit.  We’ll cover the different audit types, tips for documenting your participation and compliance, how EPs and EHs will be selected for audit, and what information the auditors will be looking for so that you will be ready if you are visited by an audit team. Check out these weekly webinars online.   

Behavioral Health Intensive Program will hold its child session on  March 8 & 9, 2013.  This intensive program is for Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners who work with large numbers of patients with behavioral health needs.

The program begins with topics in adult behavioral health presented in a three-day in-person training followed by five monthly web-based case discussions (“webinars”). This is followed by another three-day in-person training accompanied by five monthly webinars in child and adolescent behavioral health. Monthly group phone supervision and case discussion with a psychiatrist is provided throughout the program for a total of 10 months. In addition, the program includes its own web-based Learning Center that provides copies of the presentations, articles, scales, self assessment tools and group discussions. Education on policy, legal issues and billing psychiatric codes is also provided. Learn more here.

What Every Primary Care Provider Should Know About Lung Cancer webinar, offered by Wake AHEC. This webinar will discuss the National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s new guidelines for lung cancer screening for high risk patients; and examine current evidence based practices in diagnosing lung cancer. The webinar will also recognize symptoms and risk factors of lung cancer and describe advances being made in new target therapies for lung cancer. Registration is now open online.

Lupus Foundation of America will hold their nationwide CME series in Raleigh on March 2, 2013. The CME course, “Clinical Advances in Lupus: Practice Pearls” will cover the latest in diagnosis and treatment for lupus. Experts will be talking specifically about outcomes for bones, heart and cancer and the American Academy of CME, Inc. designates this activity for a maximum of 3.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s). Registration is now open online.


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