Learning Ops Center

Learning opportunities for physicians and practice staff. Unless noted otherwise, please click title for more information.

Building the Capacity of Indigent Care Networks by Standardizing and Collecting Data More Efficiently

February 16, 2011, Webinar, 10:00 am – 11:00am, hosted and presented by Care Share Health Alliance. There is no charge, but space is limited. Please register by February 11.

Training Your Staff on an EHR

February 17, 2011, Webinar, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, hosted by NCMS Foundation and NC Medical Group Managers, explains how the Pitt Community College federally-funded Health IT Workforce Training Program can provide your staff with resources to implement and maintain certified Electronic Health Records (EHR). Webinar is free, but you must be registered to attend. Attendance is limited to 120, and registration cutoff is February 15. Click title for more information and registration link.

Palliative Care Symposium

February 19, 2011, Cape Fear Valley Education Center in Fayetteville. There’s no fee and lunch will be provided. Among the presenters will be NCMS Deputy General Counsel Melanie Phelps, who will speak on Achieving Patient-Centered End-of-Life Care—The Role of Advanced Directives and Portable Medical Orders. Click here for a brochure and registration information.

Cracking the Codes: New rules for administration of pediatric and adolescent vaccines in 2011

This webinar features an expert-led review of the new CPT codes that took effect January 1, 2011. The webinar is interactive and will be offered on:

            Tuesday, Feb. 15                1:00 pm ET

            Wednesday, Feb. 23       12:00 pm ET

            Thursday, Mar. 3                3:00 pm ET

For more information and to register, click http://intercallus.stream57.com/crackingthecodes2011. Once registered, you will receive confirmation and a reminder of the event via email.

Quality Improvement 101 – A Toolbox for Improvement Wave 9

February 22 & 23, 2011 (Workshop 1), 8:30 am – 4:30pm, offered by Charlotte AHEC.

A professional development program that builds skills and knowledge among participating hospitals, clinical practices, AHEC regional offices, and their healthcare organizations to accelerate the application of quality improvement methods.

New Option for Influenza Prevention: An Influenza Vaccine for Older Adults

March 9, 2011, 12:15 pm, a teleroundtable presentation with David Weber, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics and Epidemiology-UNC Medical Director, Hospital Epidemiology and Occupational Health-UNC Health Care. Please RSVP by Friday, March 4, 2011 to [email protected], and join the teleroundtable at 1-800-230-1085.


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