Let’s Mess with Texas! Why Should Texas Physicians Have More of a Say Than NC Doctors?

Texas physicians have responded more than doctors in any other state to The Physicians Foundation biennial survey. But we can mitigate their impact if we mobilize and respond to the survey before it’s too late. Don’t let what Texas physicians believe about the current state of the medical profession overshadow what North Carolina doctors are experiencing. Take the survey today!

Take the Survey

Results of the  previous two biennial surveys have garnered extensive media attention as well as that of policymakers. Let the public know what you and your colleagues think about the practice of medicine today.

All participants who include their email address will have the full survey report emailed to them, and will be entered in a drawing for a $10,000 travel voucher, a $2,000 Apple voucher, and multiple iPad Airs.

So far, physicians have responded in record-setting numbers to this year’s survey making it even more valuable to those who study and report on health care nationally. North Carolina so far ranks 12 in the number of respondents behind more populous states like Texas, New York and California, but also behind states like Washington and Minnesota. Make North Carolina proud — weigh in with your views today!



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