Letter Outlines NCMS Position on HR 3590

After carefully reviewing and discussing health care reform legislation pending in the US Senate, the NCMS Board of Directors this week sent a letter to NC Senators Richard Burr (R) and Kay Hagan (D) explaining the NCMS position on HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Although the letter, signed by NCMS President Douglas D. Sheets, MD,  identifies some positive provisions in the bill, the Board says that it cannot support the measure unless changes are made to address several areas of concern.  Read the letter:  https://www.compassionatecarenc.org/non_members/legislative/health_reform/Burr-HR3590.pdf.

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  • Holly Biola

    Why do we oppose a 5% tax on cosmetic procedures?

  • Charles Willson

    While I agree with the letter and our principles in many ways, we must remain constantly aware that every passing day under our current system is digging us a deeper financial hole for Medicare. Without reform, OMB eestimates that our health care costs will rise from $2.2trillion this year to 4.5trillion by the year 2020. Put in light of cost of doing nothing, the 900 billion price tag for reform a=sounds less formidable. Only when we have all Americans insured can we truly begin effective reform to bring value for all our citizens. I hope our Board will remember that perfect is the enemy of good. We need to start reform now by passing legislation at the national level that will cut waste and uneccessary cost from our system.
    Chuck Willson MD

  • Robert Hale

    This country cannot afford HR 3590 and it will foreever alter Dr/pt relationships in an adverse fashion

  • C. Franklin Church, MD

    Doug’s letter is well-crafted, and considering the convoluted bills on the table, it should be helpful. I remain convinced that real reform requires re-assessment and reapportionment of the cost of all federal and state-mandated entitlements. These horse-and-buggy expenditures are wasteful and futile in the current era of horseless carriage medicine, and if re-weighted would likely require no new taxes.

  • francis o'brien

    I appreciated the Board of NCMS sending this well thought out and professional letter to Senators Burr and Hagan.