Make a Difference with the Seasons Greetings Program

wreaths-across-americaAs the holiday season is upon us, the North Carolina Medical Society Foundation (NCMSF) again offers you a way to give the meaningful gift of health and access to a primary care provider to people across the state through purchase of our Season’s Greetings cards. For a tax-deductible contribution of $35 per card, the Foundation will send each person on your holiday list a personalized greeting card informing them of your gift in their honor.

Website-card-optionsThis year, Season’s Greetings has teamed with the NCMS Service Team to support Wreaths Across AmericaTM, so $15 of every card will be used to purchase wreaths that will be laid at the gravesites of our fallen veterans at national cemeteries in Fort Bragg, New Bern, Salisbury, Raleigh and in Historic Oakwood Cemetery Field of Honor. Every fallen hero deserves a wreath.

Your gift will help ensure that thousands of underserved North Carolinians have access to the health care they need, and will show our veterans and their families that we will never forget!

Order your Season’s Greetings cards at

We also invite you to join the NCMS staff on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 10 am at Raleigh National Cemetery to place the donated wreaths. For more information contact Belinda McKoy at [email protected].

More information about Wreaths Across America. If you choose to give directly on this site, please choose “support a local fundraising group” and search for the North Carolina Medical Society!

For more information on the Season’s Greetings program, please contact Pam Highsmith or 800-722-1350.


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