The North Carolina Medicaid Program has announced plans to implement a Preferred Drug List (PDL) effective March 15. The General Assembly authorized the creation of a PDL during the 2009 session as a way to manage costs. The list will allow Medicaid to obtain supplemental rebates for certain outpatient drugs (not including HIV/AIDS drugs).
Drugs that have required prior authorization in the past will continue to do so. Additional prior authorization requirements could be implemented with the use of the PDL. However, these changes would be subject to a public comment period.
To see complete information about the preferred drug list visit:
at 2:35 am
interesting to read the date of implementation–3/15/10. I am already having medicaid patients calling me to say that the medicine they are on is no longer covered (Rapaflo for bladder outlet obstruction) and they can’t get refilled and that they need to switch. Is there some place that the “preferred” drug list formulary is published yet? Thanks