The NC House Health and Judiciary 1 committees have approved a bill (Glazier – D, Cumberland) that would:
1) disapprove specific elements of the rules adopted in 2008 by the NC Medical Board to implement online licensee profiles;
2) eliminate retroactive application of the profiling rules;
3) raise the threshold for malpractice settlements that would be placed on the Board’s online profiles from $25,000 to $75,000; and
4) clarify that judgments (i.e., payments resulting from jury awards), which are already public record, will be on a licensees profile, regardless of amount.
This legislation responds to issues raised by the medical community following adoption of the profiling rules by the NCMB. The bill will be considered by the full House next week. Legislation was also filed in the Senate (Nesbitt – D, Buncombe) to disapprove the Board’s profiling rules in their entirety. Sen. Nesbitt’s bill has the effect of delaying implementation of the profiling rules until the General Assembly has the opportunity to consider and approve modifications to the rule. Stay up to date on this issue by visiting the NCMS MEDPAC Minute Podcast.