Members of NC AMA Delegation Help Shape Policies in HOD

Standards for accountable care organizations (ACOs) were among the policies adopted by the House of Delegates during the AMA Interim Meeting in San Diego, November 4-6.  NCMS President John R. Mangum, MD, chaired the NC AMA Delegation.

CLICK HERE to learn more about actions taken by the AMA House of Delegates (HOD), including highlights reported by American Medical News:

Delegates directed the AMA to undertake a grassroots campaign to adopt the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act, which would allow patients to contract privately with physicians while retaining access to Medicare coverage.

A task force has been directed to report back at the Annual Meeting in June 2011 on a requirement that all AMA endorsements of nominations of officials for public office be considered and voted on by the Board of Trustees before making public any pronouncements of support.

Delegates adopted principles on accountable care organizations, with the objective of providing direction for federal regulations being created for ACOs, whose goal is to increase access to care, improve quality of care and ensure efficient delivery of care.

Delegates called for the AMA to promote a requirement that young athletes suspected of having a concussion must obtain written approval by a physician before they can return to practice or play.

Delegates urged caution when physicians communicate using social media. More details are found in the Bulletin story, New Policy Helps Guide Physicians’ Use of Social Media.


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