More Physician Data Available Online in 2016

As required by the Affordable Care Act, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be expanding the amount of information available publicly on physicians’ quality and cost data via the Physician Compare website. In 2016, Physician Compare will display quality measure performance for individual providers for the first time. The website will also continue to display information on group practices and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). The information displayed in 2016 will contain 2014 performance information on certain quality and cost measures. CMS has been increasing the amount of data displayed on Physician Compare since its creation in February 2014. It began with information regarding a physician’s specialty, practice location and contact information and each year has expanded the amount of quality and cost data displayed. Take a look at the information displayed for you as an individual and the group practice you are affiliated with to ensure the accuracy of the data. If you see any errors, CMS recommends contacting them at [email protected].

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