The North Carolina Institute of Medicine has established eight Health Reform Workgroups that will serve under an NCIOM Advisory Committee. The new effort will be led by NC Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Lanier Cansler, and NC Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin. The goal of these groups is to identify the decisions that the state must make in implementing health system reform. This initiative will also identify potential funding opportunities that will improve health, access to care and quality of care in North Carolina.
The eight workgroups that have been established will focus on: Prevention, Safety Net, Health Professional Workforce, Health Insurance Exchange and Insurance Oversight, Medicaid, New Models of Care, Quality, and Fraud and Abuse. Each group will meet approximately once a month for the next year. Meetings are open to the public and NCMS staff will attend each meeting. A calendar of meeting dates and times is available by visiting the North Carolina Institute of Medicine Website at
at 11:10 am
Providing health care coverage for most Americans is the necessary first step for creating a better healthcare delivery system. As always, the devil is in the details. Coverage should be linked to a patient-centered medical home with adequate benefits.
Patients also have responsibility for their own actions, including eliminating unhealthy lifestyles for themselves and their children.
We physicians need to lead the health care reform dialogue
Chuck Willson MD