Over the past six months the North Carolina Medical Board has been drafting revisions to its position statement regarding self-treatment and the treatment of family members. Since this process began, over a thousand physician comments have been received by the Board and many were taken into consideration when drafting the proposed changes.
A final version of the updated position statement has now been approved by the Board’s Policy Committee and will be considered by the full Board at a future meeting.
The Medical Board is seeking licensee comments on the proposed position statement, which can be read here. If you would like to submit written comments regarding the changes please e-mail them to [email protected].
at 8:30 am
A vast improvement over the currently restrictive and punitive policy. It’s nice to see that somebody finally respects out intelligence. We were having to pay the price for a few bad apples that needed to be weeded out anyway.
at 1:11 pm
Treating family members for minor ailments, particularly if they fall within one’s usual scope of practice, should not be proscribed. The writing of a prescription for a family member on medication for a chronic condition when the original prescribing physician is not readily available should also be allowed. presrcibing controlled substances, however, is a different story.
at 12:45 pm
I am not really that familiar with what the current position statement says, but I would say that the new one looks fine.
at 3:41 pm
Finally some sanity on this issue.