NC Medical Care Advisory Committee Seeks Nominees

The Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC), which advises the Director of the NC Department of Medical Assistance (DMA) on how proposed initiatives and changes would impact the Medicaid Program, is seeking new members. Read more about the purpose of the MCAC here.

Committee members must represent all 13 congressional districts in the state and must include health care providers, consumers representing the general public and recipients or former recipients served by the Medicaid program. Each committee member is appointed by the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and is asked to serve a 3-year term.

The role of the health care providers on the committee is crucial due to their professional and scientific background. They have particular insight to offer on peer review and misutilization within a specific area of practice as well as the implementation of policies relating to medical care practices. The health care members on the committee can help solve many of the problems facing the health care system today including rising health care costs, disorganization, improper allocation of resources and inadequate emphasis on preventive care.

The committee meets quarterly for approximately two hours at DMA’s office in Raleigh.  Members are required to attend the meetings in person at the specified location, generally from 10 a.m. to noon. To make a nomination, please complete this biographical sketch form. Forms along with the nominee’s resume are due April 26 to Pamela Beatty, NC DHHS-Division of Medical Assistance (Director’s Office),  2501 Mail Service Center,  Raleigh, NC 27699-2501 or via email: [email protected]. Questions, please contact Beatty via email or at 919-855-4102.


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