The NCMS, in coordination with Community Care of North Carolina, North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, North Carolina Pediatric Society, North Carolina Chapter, American College of Physicians, and North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society is seeking feedback from primary care physicians in North Carolina regarding technical assistance available for Meaningful Use and Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition. Please take the time to complete the brief survey posted below so that we can evaluate your needs and experience. The last day to submit feedback is today, July 6, 2012.
If unable to view the survey above, click here to take the survey.
For assistance in achieving meaningful use or information on PCMH, contact Terri Gonzalez, Director of Practice Improvement, [email protected] or 800-722-1350.
at 11:56 am
I see ACA is established. No slippery slopes? Starting with DRG’s this whole process has led to automaton MD’s controlled by an unaccountable “panel” in DC and EMR-controlled “evidence-based” alogrithms. If you like your Dr. you can keep him/her? By the next generation, their will no longer be any Dr’s. left TO like. But you can keep the Dr. who qualifies as cab driver in Moscow. Heil ACA. Forward! Vorwarts! Fools unite!