Pictured from R to L: Bob Seligson, Executive Vice President and CEO, NC Medical Society; Shawn Scott, Deputy EVP, Operations & Administration, NC Medical Society; Jason Horay, Health Promotion Coordinator, NC Medical Society Employee Benefit Plan.
The North Carolina Medical Society’s (NCMS) overall wellness mission is to provide the means and opportunities for their employees to reach and maintain their best possible well-being. NCMS’s Executive Vice President and CEO, Bob Seligson, felt that in order to secure NCMS’s vision of representing physician well-being and improving the overall health of the people of North Carolina, the health and wellness of their own employees must be a priority.
In an effort to address rapidly rising health care costs coupled with an epidemic increase in obesity rates, physical inactivity, poor nutrition and more specifically their top chronic conditions of hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia, NCMS partnered with the North Carolina Medical Society Employee Benefit Plan’s Practice Wellness Program. This partnership led to forward-thinking health promotion and wellness programs that improved the employees’ health. The overarching goal of the wellness program is to help participants make healthier lifestyle choices, become aware of risk factors, better manage chronic conditions and ultimately maintain or lower health care costs.
The NCMS Plan has been providing group benefit solutions to medical practices in North Carolina since 1998. Sponsored by the NCMS and managed by Medical Mutual Insurance Company of North Carolina, the NCMS Plan currently is the preferred choice for group benefits of approximately 900 medical practices in North Carolina. Learn more about the NCMS Plan and its Practice Wellness grant program at www.ncmsplan.com.