Thanks to 36 donors, the NCMS Foundation raised just over $12,000 for its Sustainers Fund at the NCMS Annual Meeting! These gifts will be used to grow the Foundation’s work in support of the North Carolina Medical Society’s efforts to improve access to quality health care for all North Carolinians.
Thanks to members’ contributions, the number of communities without a health care provider are slowly shrinking in North Carolina. Your contributions help the Foundation tackle the problem of primary care providers not keeping pace with the growing need, especially in rural areas of our state. We are grateful for your support of the Foundation’s Community Practitioner Program (CPP), practice management and improvement programs, and physician leadership development programs. Your Foundation could not operate without the generous gifts of members. See the list of donors below.
If you have not made your annual contribution to the Sustainers Fund, please take a moment to do so today by clicking here. You also may contribute to the Sustainers Fund when you renew your NCMS membership for 2014 on your dues invoice. From now until the end of the year, we will recognize new donors in each Bulletin as well as on a cumulative list on the Foundation’s website. Make sure your name is proudly displayed – Give today!
For more information about giving to the Foundation contact Pam Highsmith, Director of Development.
A heartfelt thanks goes out to the following generous contributors to the Foundation’s Sustainer Fund:
Arthur E. Apolinario, MD
Timothy Beittel, MD
Victor W. Bustard, MD
Anthony J. Caprio, MD
Palmer Edwards, MD, DFAPA
Janice Huff, MD & Stephen Ezzo, MD
Sharon M. Foster, MD, FAAP
Arthur G. Green, III, MD
Warner L. Hall, Jr., MD
Nancy S. Henley, MD, FACP
Docia E. Hickey, MD
Pamela P. Highsmith
Tamieka M. L. Howell, MD
Ellen Huffman-Zechman, MD
Ashokkumar C. Jain, MD
James G. Jones, MD
Michelle F. Jones, FAAFP, MD
Liz Kanof, MD & Ron Levine, MD
Rachel D. Keever, MD, FACC
A. Kellett Letson, III, MD
John R. Mangum, MD
Darlyne Menscer, MD
Michael F. Miltich, MD
Robert W. Monteiro, MD, and Peggy L. Monteiro
Michael E. Norins, MD
Albert J. Osbahr, MD
Timothy J. Reeder, MD, MPH, FACEP
John L. Reynolds, MD
Devdutta Sangvai, MD
Shawn M. Scott
Lisa P. Shock, MHS, PA-C
William W. Truslow, MD
Bradford B. Walters, MD, PhD, MBA
Edward W. Whitesides, MD
Charles F. Willson, MD
Jeffrey W. Wright, MD