NCMS HOD Reports and Resolutions Available Online for Comment

2012-mtg-savethedate-graphicNCMS House of Delegates (HOD) 2012 Reports and Resolutions are now available online for member review and comment.

Due to action taken at the 2011 HOD, this year Reference Committee debate will be collected online prior to the HOD meeting. There will be no onsite Reference Committees. Therefore, delegates should take a few moments to review action before the HOD online in order to submit feedback for the Reference Committee’s consideration.

Please remember that when comments are added at the bottom of each report/resolution, the comments will be moderated and then posted to the website within 24 hours. All comments will be viewable by the general public so if you prefer not to publish comments online, please submit your name, comments and, report/resolution identifier to [email protected] or call 800-722-1350 and ask for the HOD Comment Line. All comments will be forwarded to the Reference Committee.

Also, some NCMS attachments within the reports/resolutions are password protected and can only be accessed by NCMS members. If you do not remember your password or need to create an NCMS web account, please contact Kristen Shipherd at [email protected] or 800-722-1350 for assistance.

Reports/resolutions will be open for comment until Friday, October 12. Reference Committee reports will be available online on Friday, October 19 (tentative). Late resolutions are due no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 25 and should be emailed to [email protected]. Those resolutions will be reviewed by the NCMS Board of Directors on October 26 at the Annual Meeting.

The NCMS values your input and your participation as we launch a new Reference Committee process. Please remember to keep comments appropriate and be courteous to others who comment on reports/resolutions. The NCMS will not post comments that include inappropriate information, such as personal attacks or offensive language.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2012 NCMS Annual Meeting!

Get started on viewing/commenting on resolutions:  Go to Resolution 1…


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