At the 2011 NCMS Annual Meeting and House of Delegates (HOD), members voted to test a new meeting format, which includes online or “virtual” Reference Committees and a shortened HOD. The goal of the new HOD format is to involve more members from across the state and to minimize the amount of time Delegates spend away from patient care.
Speaker of the House Docia Hickey, MD, and Vice Speaker Palmer Edwards, MD, met with NCMS staff last week to refine the process and to establish a schedule for policy deliberations. Staff is developing a “frequently asked questions” (FAQ) area on the NCMS website to answer questions about the new format and will add questions and answers as they arise.
The major change for the HOD is that all Reference Committee deliberation will take place prior to the annual meeting in Raleigh. There will be no Reference Committee meetings on-site. Reference Committee reports will be available prior to the meeting and will be voted on at the second session of the HOD on Saturday, October 27, with all business concluding that day. The preliminary schedule for the 2012 HOD includes the following:
- September 12, 2012: Resolution submission deadline (45 days prior to HOD).
- September 21, 2012: Resolutions posted online for open review and comment. This will take the place of on-site Reference Committee meetings. Delegates are encouraged to review and comment online as these interactions will be considered by the Reference Committee members in developing their reports. There also will be a dedicated voicemail box set up for delegates to call and record their comments for those who prefer to comment verbally rather than online.
- October 12, 2012: Resolution open review and comment period closes.
- October 19, 2012: Reference Committee reports will be available online (tentative).
- October 25, 2012: Late resolutions due no later than 5:00 pm.
- October 26, 2012: Late resolutions will be reviewed by the NCMS Board of Directors.
- October 26, 2012: NCMS House of Delegates Session 1, 4:00-6:00 pm, Raleigh Marriott City Center Hotel, Raleigh.
- October 27, 2012: NCMS House of Delegates Session 2, 9 am-12 noon, Raleigh Marriott City Center Hotel, Raleigh.
In addition to the HOD sessions, there will be educational sessions and a complete schedule of activities taking place at the Annual Meeting. Click here for event and meeting details, and watch upcoming issues of the Bulletin for registration information. Help make NCMS history by participating in this new, contemporary meeting format and have a voice in NCMS policy issues affecting your patients and your practice.