NCMS, the NC Hospital Association and the North Carolina Chapter of the American College of Radiology have requested a judicial review of the Department of Insurance ruling in the dispute with Blue Cross Blue Shield over fees for radiology imaging. In the filing, NCMS and the other parties ask that the court reverse the November 14, 2012 ruling in favor of BCBS and that the fees for the radiological services in dispute are not reduced.
“Our decision to appeal is driven by our firm belief that the Department of Insurance hearing officer got it wrong when he issued his final decision,” said Robert Seligson, CEO of the North Carolina Medical Society. “To reiterate, our position has always been simply that a contract must be honored. One side cannot unilaterally change the conditions of their legal promise to the other. Otherwise, why have an agreement? Both sides in a contract need to consent to any proposed changes.”
Watch the NCMS website and the Bulletin for future updates on this case.