NCMS Update: May 20, 2015

Acronym du jour

This is an easy one — or at least it should be if you’ve been paying attention. PQRS stands for Physician Quality Reporting System. According to the CMS (another ancronym we all know and love), PQRS is a quality reporting program that encourages individual doctors and practices to report information on the quality of care, by “giving them the opportunity to assess the quality of care they provide helping to ensure that patients get the right care at the right time.”

Tanning Bed Bill Signing Ceremony: 

Governor McCrory will sign the hard-won Jim Fulghum Teen Skin Cancer Prevention Act into law Thrusday at 11:15 a.m. at the Executive Mansion. Afterwards, come celebrate at the NCMS Center for Leadership in Medicine across the street.

YouTube Takes On the Value-Based Modifier:

Now you can’t say you didn’t know about the PQRS/Value-Based Provider Modifier – it’s on YouTube! A video recording of the “PQRS/Value-Based Provider Modifier: What Medicare Professionals Need to Know in 2015” presentation has been posted to the CMS MLN Connects® page on YouTube.

Not to be outdone in the realm of delivering information in the most advanced way, the US Department of Health and Human Services has redesigned its website to deliver content “anytime, anywhere on any device.” They also trashed 154,000 obsolete files to speed things up. Check it out.


House Medicaid Budget Provision Draws Fire, WRAL

Cancer Charities Bilked Donors Out of $187 million, Government Says, The Washington Post


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